
"Physical Fitness Is The First Requisite Of Happiness." – Joseph Pilates

India has been making rapid strides in the healthcare sector since Independence, and the pace has become even more aggressive in recent years. However, several eye-opening facts and data from the National Family Health Survey (NFHS) indicate that access to healthcare for the country’s citizens remains a tough challenge to overcome.The statistics reveal that rural India still does not have access to healthcare facilities. Also, the availability of healthcare facilities is not up to the mark in Urban slums. So, a lot of work and interventions are required to improve the availability of quality healthcare in these areas for the welfare of the segments of the population dwelling here.

Making Primary Healthcare Facilities Available To The Underprivileged People

Urban slum dwellers suffer majorly from several adverse health disorders due to two main reasons – the lack of education and lack of awareness. The second reason is poverty and the unwillingness to lose a day’s wages, so they do not visit the nearest centre offering a medical facility. Healthcare for the underprivileged is in desperate need and has largely been unaddressed. So, we at Help From Heart  Foundation largely focus on this at the ground level. We at Help From Heart have adopted a two-pronged approach which is the need of the hour. The first is to bring the desired quality healthcare services right to the doorsteps of the needy and underprivileged communities. The second approach is to promote awareness regarding healthcare through free health & medical camps and the contemporary behaviour seeking healthcare amongst underprivileged communities.

Awareness Of Women's Health

Menstrual hygiene remains a very important issue in India amongst the unprivileged communities. Poor menstrual hygiene poses several health risks, such as urinary tract and reproductive infections frequently resulting in birth complications and infertility. Also, negligence regarding washing hands while changing or handling used menstrual products can spread infections . We wish to sensitize through awareness programs the importance of keeping menstrual hygiene and proper use of sanitary pads to the women of the underprivileged and economically weaker sections of society.